This week, the Dallas-Fort Worth area received disheartening news as multiple beloved movie theaters announced their closures, marking a significant shift in...
The 50-member group, representing 20 different North Texas high schools, reflects on year of service and leadership development, while honoring seniors, group...
McKinney, TX, is set to come alive with the electrifying sounds of Africa at the upcoming African Vibration Music Festival on Saturday, June 29th. This exciting...
McKinney, TX, is set to come alive with the electrifying sounds of Africa at the upcoming African Vibration Music Festival on Saturday, June 29th. This exciting...
Aguirre Medical Group (AMG), a management services organization (MSO), aims to preserve independent private practice medicine with its proven strategies and...
Contact: Sophia Stoller Jewish Family Service Marketing Director Cell 972-977-1111 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jewish Family Service of...
High school students, teachers, parents, friends, arts advocates, celebrities and city officials celebrated as winners and scholarship recipients were announced...
Puttshack, the world’s first and only tech-infused mini golf experience, is cranking up summer vibes to the MAX with exclusive limited-time-only deals, all the...
Local high school leaders recognized for tackling societal issues, including gender disparity and mental wellness. Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas honored 111...
On May 17, Tiffany Dufu, president of the Tory Burch Foundation, Texas Women’s Foundation (TXWF) board members and more than 100 supporters gathered at the...