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630PM social time and equipment check
7PM presentation
Rebecca Boxall will offer an overview of environmental progress and plans from a City Council member's perspective. She was elected in District 5 in 2021. She also represents the council on the Downtown Arlington Management Corp. Board of Directors. As an architect, she's always interested in a building's design and function, and likely she would entertain questions in this arena as well.
She has served on numerous local committees and community groups, including Planning and Zoning, the Zoning Board of Appeals, Keep Arlington Beautiful, and the Heart of Arlington Neighborhood Association.
A Texas native and an Arlington resident since 2007, she holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Texas Tech. She has worked in private practice for over 30 years.
Concerning the much-ballyhooed Lincoln Square redevelopment, she says that tighter enclosure ratios between buildings will make it more walkable. She also favors "layering of heights and view planes, programmable green spaces, coherent site circulation," 2-5 stories, with office and hotel along I-30. "I hope for roof terraces! Parking drives site design, but they came up with ways to make that less so. I'm provisionally excited."