D Schoech – Guest Contributor
Nov 4 @ 3:33 pm
S Africa climate adaptioons for Tx plants



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Laura Miller approaches each place she visits with a sense of wonder, excited by what she can learn and apply to her life. Earlier this year she attended the International Plant Propagators’ Society Annual Conference in South Africa, and she will bring that wonder and fresh insights to her presentation at Arlington Conservation Council's November meeting. She will focus on South Africa’s climate and plant communities and their similarities to our North Central Texas ecosystems.

Laura, as the Texas A&M AgriLife Commercial Horticulture Extension Agent for Tarrant County, provides continuing education and problem-solving services to anyone trying to earn a living in horticulture, from green industry professionals to fruit, vegetable, and ornamental plant growers. Prior to taking the job in March 2008, she was a University of Florida/IFAS Commercial Horticulture Extension Agent for seven years.

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